How to Disable Unsupported Hardware Message

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Yous mean only right out of the blue you encounter a message like this:

Or practise you merely meet it when performing a Windows Update operation?

That characteristic came along with the optional update KB4012218 which you can read nearly here:

Since KB4012218 contains no security updates/features and it is optional it is probably something your system tin live without.

Look in Control Console, Windows Update, Installed Updates and if you see KB4012218 listed, uninstall it, reboot and so run across how things look.

If KB4012218 is offered to you lot again you lot can correct click and hide information technology and so (hopefully) you will never run into it again.

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The same problem just started on it'southward own today.  I didn't do a manual update search, that's on auto.  I do not see any updates with that number anywhere.

After reading MS's page regarding how to ready this trouble, I'm equally upset as Denver is.  I just built this custom desktop and do not want to go through and redo all my software, etc. again.  This is taking upwardly my valuable time and I'm very upset with Gates.  Does he not have plenty coin??  I already paid him for a registered copy of seven that had not been used nonetheless.

The big question is will any futurity updates exist done, or is it just the processor updates, and how volition not getting them affect the quality and security of my computer?

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These days having Windows Update set to automatic is not the healthiest matter for Windows.

Let's see here...  what details do nosotros know nearly your new organisation - goose egg.

If yous merely built your custom desktop is information technology current with Service Pack ane and other Windows updates?

What is the link to "MS'south folio regarding how to set this trouble"?

The issue could also be related to KB4015549 which you can read about here: states/help/4015549/windows-7-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1-update-kb4015549

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Hi ElderN,

Yes it is KB4015549 that creates this outcome. It is not an Optional update but an Of import one. I and nigh users choose to go on Automatic Updates on to avert having to choose them all the fourth dimension. The point is Microsoft is trying to strength Windows 10 onto all its users. Users should take the option to use whichever Operating System is suitable to them. Windows 10 is filled with bugs that notwithstanding haven't been fixed. Then I prefer to proceed using Windows 7.

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Skillful report and that helps.

Mid terminal year when Windows x was offered for gratuitous information technology caused much grief in the community for folks that didn't want it but the notifications and other things kept popping up - how to get rid of them?!  And some updates began to await much like spyware, snooping and data collection on your system but of form none of your personal data or data would ever be collected - really?  Nobody wanted that stuff either.

Many users decided to just set Windows Update to never check for updates, then you are in control of your system instead of Microsoft.  That way yous check for updates periodically and install the updates that YOU want instead of what MS thinks y'all should have.  Still in that location are folks that merely install all the updates offered without looking at them then come up the topics with descriptions similar "Windows Update bankrupt my figurer!"

For me and many others that would just exist merely consider installing updates that have the word "Security" in them and only after reading the descriptions.  In that location will be no more enhancements or bug fixes for Windows 7 - just patches until 2020.

You may observe of interest this topic from October almost the subject:

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You lot have a good point. But my signal is that Microsoft should finish forcing stuff onto its users.

Its customer service isn't that helpful either (at least for Windows 10). Afterward one of the Windows ten update on my laptop the Wi-Fi as well as my LAN got completely screwed up. Later lament to them the asked me to revert dorsum to a previous version. That didn't assistance. Its been a year now and they keep saying they are working on information technology. At that place are so many other bugs I mentioned that they keep ignoring.

Then why strength such a buggy product on a user? If it was better than Windows 7 overall, it would be understandable.

I tin can easily uninstall the update and stop the annoying pop ups. Just I need Microsoft to cease such sort of promotions or at least add a "Don't remind me again" push button.

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I take W7 Dwelling house Premium 64 chip with service pack 1, and an Intel I7-7700k processor.

If you lot click onto "Learn More" when this unsupported popup appears, that will take you to MS's fix, which implies "y'all improve upgrade to x or else you won't go anymore of our updates, and your reckoner volition be in serious jeopardy".

"Considering of how this support policy is implemented, Windows 8.1 and Windows vii devices that have a seventh generation or a later generation processor may no longer exist able to scan or download updates through Windows Update or Microsoft Update.


We recommend that you upgrade Windows 8.1-based and Window 7-based computers to Windows 10 if those computers have a processor that is from whatsoever of the following generations:

  • I ntel 7th (7th)-generation "Intel Core" processor or a later generation
  • AMD seventh (7th)-generation ("Bristol Ridge") processor or a later generation
  • Qualcomm "8996" processor or a later generation"

This worries me: when I endeavour to do a manual update, the MS update screen now gives me an error code "80240037" and says it could not proceed with an update search, which makes me believe that I will no longer exist able to get critical updates, although it really doesn't go into whatever details.  So, am I getting other updates that need to exist washed to stay secure, or is it non fifty-fifty able to cheque for any updates??

A "don't remind me once again" push, equally suggested by Denver, may not be a practiced resolution, since we don't know how that volition touch on our computers.  And this popup is now appearing at least 3 to iv times during the first several minutes.

As for trying to cocky select the important or critical updates, since I'chiliad a domicile architect, non a computer software programmer, that would be unwise from my perspective.  I yet can't find that update number listed anywhere.  Almost all of the updates listed are critical or important.

There is no proficient reason for MS and Gates to be doing this to the 7 users, other than greed and the "search" for even more than money.  I'yard sure working with Intel and their new chip designs wouldn't accept that much to brand them work with seven and 8.  If I could utilise whatsoever other software to run my cad and other programs, I would.

Thank you for your help.

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I think the chances of Microsoft making any enhancements or fixes to Windows 7 (like a "don't remind me again" button are close to zero so forget nigh that.

Windows 7 will run but fine on your i7 CPU - Microsoft has just created an obstacle to your system receiving updates in the forms of a couple KBs.

I'm not 100% sure since I don't have the trouble but I think the annoyance will be "fixed" if you uninstall these updates:



Then if you meet those KBs offered again, correct click and Hibernate them.

This is why folks need to take control of Windows Update by changing the Settings to "Never check for updates".

Now you are in control of your organisation and Windows Update instead of Microsoft existence in control.  It is up to you to periodically check for updates yourself and look at each one and you decide if you desire to install the update or not.

"Periodically" could be at least later on the second and sometimes fourth Tuesday of each calendar month since that is when MS regularly releases security patches which you lot tin read about here:

Patch Tuesday

Hopefully more folks can let united states of america know of uninstalling those two updates "fixes" the problem.

If yous have your system set to install updates automatically you are going to proceed having issues, especially if Microsoft sends you a hardware driver update that sometimes creates a no boot scenario.

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I institute the KB4015549 and deleted it.  It has stopped the annoying popup and then far, merely information technology did list it as an important, not critical, security patch.  Which worries me, since MS doesn't fifty-fifty have the business organization most their users to at to the lowest degree let us know exactly what is, now, non protected, and will Norton's option upwards the slack, etc..

For some reason, MS never tried to load KB4012218.

Do you lot know why the update history listing however list's the KB4015549 as beingness successfully installed after a restart?  I as well meet several older "important" updates that are listed every bit "failed".  Makes me wonder about the accuracy of this listing.

I know that someday I will have to modify over to W10, equally I did from XP to W7, but I really like 7 and everything is working.  I detest to load x and then find out what Denver has discussed and and then trying to get back to seven.  What a mess.  I concord almost no more than assist from MS regarding seven, there just isn't whatever coin in that.

I accept set the motorcar updates off and volition check out Patch Tuesdays.

Thank you for your help.

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I think the chances of Microsoft making any enhancements or fixes to Windows 7 (like a "don't remind me again" push button are close to zero and then forget about that.

Windows 7 will run just fine on your i7 CPU - Microsoft has merely created an obstacle to your organization receiving updates in the forms of a couple KBs.

I'g not 100% sure since I don't have the problem but I think the annoyance will be "stock-still" if you uninstall these updates:



And then if you see those KBs offered once again, correct click and Hide them.

This is why folks need to take control of Windows Update by changing the Settings to "Never bank check for updates".

Now y'all are in control of your system and Windows Update instead of Microsoft being in control.  It is upwardly to y'all to periodically check for updates yourself and wait at each one and you determine if you want to install the update or not.

"Periodically" could be at least afterward the second and sometimes fourth Tuesday of each month since that is when MS regularly releases security patches which you lot can read almost here:

Patch Tuesday

Hopefully more folks can let us know of uninstalling those two updates "fixes" the problem.

If you have your system set up to install updates automatically you are going to keep having bug, especially if Microsoft sends you a hardware driver update that sometimes creates a no boot scenario.

Hello, ElderN --

Ane thing I've been doing every calendar month is Not installing any "Quality" updates and doing the "Security Only" releases instead; I think that applies with one of the updates you referenced. Have had no problems.

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