Disable Hardware Acceleration Radeon Hd 6770

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Feb 16, 2007
  • #1
Video played normally through various players, including KMPlayer and MPC-HC, gets played in video hardware mode (or something similar that), and I wish it to non be then, instead to be played in software mode for quality reasons.

To work around this outcome I start a playback of a video, pause information technology, and get-go the video I want to play in "software mode".

In my quondam GeForce 7300 GT and all previous Nvidia cards, I would just start a single video and it would "grab" the hardware dispatch and keep it, fifty-fifty if minimized or on resolution changes.
Starting with Ati 4670 HD, the video to "grab" the hardware acceleration needs to be opened at all times, and also be the foreground video to "become" the dispatch on any resolution change.

On Ati 5670 HD I run across that each screen output gets it's ain hardware acceleration "thread" for video, so I demand to outset ii such videos to suspension, one on each screen, if I want to play back on secondary brandish via software way. (tin can get it with only one video on pause if information technology's the main display, but for some reason I need to start and pause a video on each display when I want to play in software mode on the secondary display).
Also on 5670, hardware manner is actually bad, not just bad colours but video playback is jerky, and so default playback is not an pick.

What I would like to do is to completely disable hardware acceleration for video playback, without having to starting time 2 little videos that will get to stay on pause, (and also without having to minimize the main video on each resolution change so the paused video gets the "hardware dispatch" again)

Messed with the settings on the ati driver and the directx diagnostic tool, without success, unless I disable DirectDraw Acceleration, but that reduces performance on windowed 3D applications. And then far the most successful way to keep 3D performance and only disable hardware dispatch for video playback is to outset those pocket-sized videos and keep them on pause.

Operating system is Windows XP, video drivers and directx are the latest. The issue is also on the make clean OS of the dual kick, simply as I said, the issue is ancient, simply becoming more than of a trouble as new tech gets in.

I searched in google a flake on the consequence, but perchance I am non using the proper keywords, I only find unrelated threads.

Apr ane, 2011
  • #2
In MPC, go to view>options>Internal filters

Deselect any transform filters with (DXVA in information technology).

Jun 3, 2011
  • #3
You could try (MPC-HC) view->options->output and try "overlay mixer" or "old renderer". You could also try VMR7/9 (renderless) with different surfaces (but non 3D).
I really don't know what "quality reasons" you take, but for me overlay was always better, especially when the movie had a lower resolution than monitor and stretching had to be washed in full-screen.
February 16, 2007
  • #four
Thank you. Will try those as soon as I become home.

The quality reason are 2 in fact:
1) is contrast/gamma enhanced for the displays via driver settings, and the video version of such enhancements do not friction match in quality equally the standard desktop enhancements.
2) i external filter for both KMP and MPC, one that came from Cyberlink Ability DVD, and that I use quite often, this filter breaks synchronization betwixt audio and video if used in hardware accelerated manner.

Feb 16, 2007
  • #five
Feedback on the results of the tests:
KMP was ready on old renderer. Changed it to VMR9 and works swell, both windowed and renderless. No page tearing. Framerate is good fifty-fifty with heavy filter usage and CPU usage is the same as when I catch the overlay via other videos.
MPC was on overlay mixer. Inverse it again to VMR9 and works not bad every bit well.

I tested the other modes since getting my hands to these options. VMR7 shows the same glitches as overlay and old renderer. Directly Describe on overlay surface, for KMP, is again similar or the aforementioned with overlay mixer. Direct draw on RGB surface brings a very pixelated result image.

Thank you again Mathew.

Feb 16, 2007
  • #6
In MPC, become to view>options>Internal filters

Deselect any transform filters with (DXVA in it).

Installed new K-Lite Codecs Pack.
Tried the methods that worked last fourth dimension in fixing the problem: they did non piece of work this time.
Every bit soon every bit I hit the filters I want, glitches and page tears appear.

Then tried what you suggested, which did not change annihilation last fourth dimension, but this time fixed the problem.

Thanks Pyree

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