What Does Aho Mean on Social Media

AFK is i of the virtually ordinarily used acronyms on the net in online gaming, social media, and text messaging – AFK means "away from the keyboard".

"Away from keyboard." This acronym originated in the early chat room culture of the 1990s. Today, it's well-nigh often used in work settings to explain to coworkers or clients that you won't be able to respond to messages for a catamenia of fourth dimension.

what does afk mean

In this article, I will explore all of the different meanings of AFK and how it is used in texting and social media slang. Nosotros will also provide some examples of how AFK can be used in sentences. Keep reading to learn more!

What AFK Ways

The phrase "AFK" stands for "away from the keyboard." However, it'southward primarily used to betoken that you won't be accessible at your computer or gadget for a period of time.

You may use a timeframe to specify how long you volition exist away from your keyboard. For example, "I'm AFK for the next hour." The term AFK tin can also be used to describe someone who is not paying attention to what's going on around them.

"She's been AFK all day," for case, ways your friend has been zoning out and non engaging in the conversation. AFK can likewise be used in texting or online conversation to inform your friends that you're taking a suspension from the conversation.

The Origins of AFK

The AFK phrase has been in use since the early on days of internet culture, particularly in chat rooms in the 1990s. It even goes back to an online news bulletin from FidoNews in 1989, along with other emoticons and abbreviations.

The newsletter defined AFK as "away from keys." It was later widely used in the gaming customs as a way to let others know that someone had to step away from the keyboard for a moment.

AFK appeared on Usenet newsgroups in 1991 and was utilized in mIRC by 1992. AFK was kickoff used on AOL Instant Messenger in 1993 and has since become a cultural icon. AFK is utilized in texting, social media, and even in person.

AFK in Online Gaming

AFK is an acronym for "away from keyboard". It is commonly used in online gaming to let other players know that you are stepping abroad from the game for a moment. This tin can be helpful, especially if you need to take a intermission or respond a phone phone call.

AFK can too exist used in chat rooms and social media networks to allow friends know that you lot are non available at the moment. AFK tin can be used in a variety of means, simply it is almost ordinarily seen in online gaming.

If you encounter someone AFK in an online game, it means they are away from their keyboard and might non be able to respond to game conversation or events. AFK can as well be used in conversation rooms and social media networks.

How to Employ AFK

Because AFK is a popular Internet jargon, it's best to avoid using it in coincidental conversations. Yet, because the statement is only informative, you'll hear information technology in less formal groups fairly often. AFK may be written in upper-case letter or lowercase letters.

Here's are some examples:

  • My dinner is ready; I'm going AFK.
  • In the middle of a raid, has he gone AFK?
  • Until the exam flavor is over, I'll be AFK.
  • Going AFK. I'll be dorsum in five minutes.


AFK is a popular acronym used in social media, text messaging and online conversation rooms that means "abroad from the keyboard." AFK can exist used as a term of endearment, or as a mode to permit the other person know that you're no longer bachelor.

AFK is also commonly used in online gaming to let other players know that you're taking a break. No matter how you use AFK, it's sure to add some fun and personality to your text conversations!



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